Thursday, November 20, 2014

We are Home ~ Safe and Sound!
11 Weeks  *  4,642 Miles  *  Endless Memories! 

Well ~ we arrived home safe and sound and had a great trip.
We hope you enjoyed riding along with us and hope we see everyone sooner rather than later!
We had a great last week in St. George and then wandered home through Death Valley National Park and then once we made that corner heading north we barreled through California and Oregon ~ partly due to that inclination to get home once you see it on the horizon and partly because the weather looked to take a turn for the worse.
In anycase we have a few more pics to share and then we will leave you alone ~ at least for the time being ;-)
Best to all~   Don and Carol

ps: by the way if anyone wants to review past posts they are listed on the right side of the blog under the months posted.  So click and relive the dream......

         We got to visit with friends Steffan & Rachel 
        - who took us on an adventure in Kolob Terrace.

      A back road from St. George to Nevada takes you to
    fascinating landscapes and endless waves of Joshua Trees

                                                        Zion National Park !!!

                                                    Death Valley National Park

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