Friday, October 24, 2014

Lees Ferry~Glen Canyon

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       Welcome back to Don and Carol's Southwest Adventure!
W left Kanab a week or so ago and have spent some time in Lee's Ferry at the bottom of Glen Canyon and then made our way down to our friends in "Pie Town" NM which is a couple of hours west of Albuquerque.  We are now on our way north for a week in Durango, CO where we have another timeshare week.

Our last day in Kanab was spent on a beautiful loop through Grand Staircase National Monument - up the Johnson Canyon Road to Skukumpah Rd which winds through some incredible country featuring slot canyons, gorges, and beautiful views including the south side of Bryce Canyon.   Our first stop was for a 6 mile hike down and back in "Lick Wash"  a beautiful pine lined slot canyon with unusual rock formations and lots of fall colors.

                                                    Carol  -  in a state of Rock Awe

                                                             Hanging out in an alcove

                                    A unique feature of the wash is Pine trees in the river bed

                                                                     the Narrows

                                flooding and hot temps create unique cracks in the river mud

Fall Colors!

The loop we made continued on past familiar areas including Kodachrome Basin SP, Bryce Canyon, & Red Canyon ~ and we saw some interesting future slot canyon hikes in Bull Valley Gorge and Willis Creek.
  It was great to spend a week in the Kanab area and we know we will be back!!

From Kanab our route took us to Lee's Ferry below the Glen Canyon Dam.  This is a very historic area as it was the first place that allowed Morman pioneers a ferry crossing of the Colorado River from Utah to Arizona.

                    Old Lee's Ferry Building along the Colorado where they made the crossing

                                                        The Cliffs behind Lee's Ferry

                                          The Beautiful Colorado below Glenn Canyon Dam

                   this is me at our campsite with trailer behind at our campsite overlooking the Colorado
                                           (playing with a neat feature on my phone camera)

                                               Carol relaxing at our Lee's Ferry Campsite

                                       Carol in a beautiful Wash on a hike up into the cliffs

                                Atlas Shrugged at Balanced Rock near Lee's Ferry

  Eventually a bridge was completed in 1929 and was a narrow 18' wide span over a 834' long and 437' above the Colorado River.  It is called the Navajo bridge ~ an historic pedestrian bridge, replaced by a wider bridge in the 1980s.

This is also a beautiful area featuring the Colorado River, Vermillion Cliffs, and the beginning of the Glenn Canyon Reservoir and Lake Powell.

These pics are from a 5 mile wash hike into the cliffs above Lee's Ferry and the variety & color of the rocks was amazing~ blue, green, yellow, black, white, tan, etc.

From Lee's Ferry we headed south through Arizona to a one night stay at Homolovi SP where there are ancient Puebloan ruins and is a few miles from where we were able to be "Standin' on a corner ~ in Winslow Arizona" (Name that tune)

From Arizona we made our way to New Mexico and spent some quality time with our friends ~ Gary and Carol in "Pie Town" NM and just enjoyed hanging out with them in their beautiful home south of town and enjoying some local cuisine. 

                                                           Pie Town

                                                                           Off the Grid

 Adobe with open Beam Ceiling

                                                                  New Mexico Style

                Gary and I enjoying a Green Chili Burger at Cafe Largo in Quemado

                             The road less traveled (to the house) with Mount Alegre in background

                                  Gary and Carol's awsome dog ~  "Trekker"

well If you made it this far ~  Thanks!!!   You will hear from us again after we get up to Durango and explore that area!   Love to all....    Don and Carol

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