Thursday, September 11, 2014


We are spending our second night in Livingson, MT just an hour north of Yellowstone National Park.
Livingston is an historic Western town with quite a history as well as a present day haunt for artists, writers, and actors.  We have had a couple of very good meals and are enjoying the laid back ambiance and Montana hospitality that a small town provides.
We arrived late afternoon yesterday and after lunch cruised around town and got settled into our digs at Osens RV park just out of town.  We drove up river for a few miles (the Yellowstone that is) and it was a beautiful time of day for the light and the mountains going up the valley are really stunning.

The weather has been a factor in our plans and we debated whether or not to wait out the cold front in Livingston buton Wednesday we decided to leave our trailer in Livingston and go to the park for the day and check on the camping possibilities and weather in the park (they have been predicting snowfall).  I was great to finally see Yellowstone and spent time at various areas along the way - notably Norris Geyser Pools and Old Faithful.  

                                                              Norris Geyser Pools

The drive through the park is beautiful and with all the talk of bad weather we had a great day.  Lots of Buffalo and Elk and classic scenes with fly fishermen in the Firehole River with steam vents all around.

The idea of hauling the trailer through the Park seems daunting with narrow windy roads, mega traffic and also some really extensive road projects with up to half hour delays.  It turned out to be a good idea to drive up for the day in the truck -  it will be easier to camp outside the park and do day trips in.

                                           Buffalo grazing
                                          fly fisher in the park
Elk everywhere -  right in the center of Mammoth Complex

Right now as I write this on Thursday morning in Livingston ~ there is snow falling and temps in the high 20's.   Our current plan is to drive through Red Lodge to Cody Wyoming on the East side of the Park and spend a couple of days camping at Buffalo Bill State Park and go into the Park - truck only -  Looks like now we might hole up another day in Livingston and head out on Friday when the weather is supposed to improve to Sunny weather!!

                              Thursday Morning 

1 comment:

  1. Hummm.... I just posted and then was asked to sign in. Not sure the other words went through.
    So, as I previously stated: Jim and I spent an interesting night in Cody while hitch hiking through. 1970? Two friendly cowgirls picked us up and took us to the drive in movies. Not long after parking up came two cow-boyfriends in their truck complete with rifles in the rear window rack.... they were less friendly.... dang!
